We support Nevada’s direct-service organizations that help serve victims and their families. We support our member organizations by providing resources, assisting them in finding financial resources to maintain their operations, and providing educational opportunities for their staff, board members, and volunteers, ensuring they have access to best practices. Our purpose is to advocate for change, educate our communities, and support organizations.
We support Nevada’s direct-service organizations that help serve victims and their families. We support our member organizations by providing resources, assisting them in finding financial resources to maintain their operations, and providing educational opportunities for their staff, board members, and volunteers, ensuring they have access to best practices. Our purpose is to advocate for change, educate our communities, and support organizations.
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We are not an emergency shelter or a crisis hotline. View a statewide directory of shelters, community-based advocacy, and legal assistance programs.
This project was made possible by funding from the Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Coalition Grant and contributions from readers like you.
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